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Death Midwife 

$500-$2,000 Depending on services chosen


No One Dies Alone

What is the difference between a Death Midwife and Death Doula?

Defining the roles, responsibilities and titles of end-of-life support professionals is an ongoing process. Some of the different terms include: end-of-life guide, death doula, soul midwife, transition guide and death midwife.

A Death Doula is most often recognized as someone who assists individuals in their dying process while a Death Midwife also includes after-death care of the body, funeral and burial rituals and ceremonies.


 Why should I hire a Death Midwife?

Dying is a journey, one that invites us into the depths of our human-ness. We may slide into valleys of sorrow one day and climb mountains that test our courage and endurance the next.  We become deeply intimate with our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. This intimacy may be confronting and frightening but it may also be profoundly beautiful.

With support and guidance the death journey can be one of awe and gratitude, of expansive loving awareness never before imagined. It can be a journey filled with kindness and tenderness and peace. Our final days can be the best days of our lives, if we can surrender our resistance, welcome the unknown and fall open to receive love that is beyond our imaginings. Hiring a death midwife can help both you and your loved-ones.


What to expect when hiring me as your Death Midwife?

During the initial consultation, the midwife will help create a plan to address the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of both the individual and their family.

Subsequent visits may be monthly, weekly or daily depending on the needs of the family. We work closely with doctors, hospice, caregivers, clergy and out-of-town family members to provide comfort, guidance and support for a peaceful transition experience


Death Midwifery services include:

~ In-home, hospital, or nursing home visits with you and your loved-one
~ Detailed reporting to next-of-kin unable to visit
~ Emergency room support after unexpected death
~ Holding space while life-support is discontinued (includes sacred singing, spiritual guidance, after-death rituals and body preparation if required)
~ Support with stillborn and infant death and bringing baby home for a home funeral
~ Finding a local, reputable hospice to meet your loved-ones needs
~ Assistance with completing advance directives for health care and death care
~ Assistance with fulfilling final wishes / healing relationships / putting things in order
~ Spiritual support including guided imagery, meditations and exercises to help alleviate anxiety and suffering
~ Guidance with completing the life-review and legacy project
~ Help with writing an autobiography or creating a video-biography as a legacy to loved one
~ Guidance with after death care of the body and dry-ice preservation for a home vigil and funeral (see FAQs for details)
~ Coordinating with a local funeral home for transportation and cremation or burial
~ Assistance with funeral service planning
~ Celebrant to officiate funerals, memorials and graveside services



Click here for FAQ's 


It's important to prepare for your End Of Life before you are on your deathbed - this can be done at ANY time prior, even while "healthy!". I can provide non-judgmental support during you or a loved one's death/transitioning, create ritual, be an active/empathetic presence, offer comfort measures, give emotional & logistical support and/or give resources & referrals.


Comprehensive End of Life Planning

Provide a roadmap for your loved ones and caregivers, guiding them to carry out your wishes and make well-informed decisions on your behalf. I help you through the process of thoroughly documenting your wishes, limiting emotional burden for both you and your loved ones.  


Death, Drinks & Directives

Tea, coffee, drinks, dinner, dessert...Gather your friends in a relaxed setting for a lively conversation about death and an opportunity to learn about and discuss completing an Advance Directive document. Everyone over the age of 18, should have an Advance Directive.


Patient & Family Support

Coping with the stress and anxiety of terminal illness and advanced age is difficult and often overwhelming. I provide both emotional and practical support with the goal of helping families achieve "a good death", whatever that means to you.


After Death Care Education

A home funeral can be whatever is comfortable for you and your family. There is no right or wrong way to plan a home funeral.  I provide guidance and support for families by sharing resources and information for those who wish to create their own personalized funerals.


Burial & Disposition Options

Let me guide you through our local offerings, service providers and what to expect as you make arrangements.  You may be surprised by some of the options.


We help families wishing to minimize their final footprint by finding local options for green burial. A green burial is one where the body is not embalmed, the burial container is made of 100% biodegradable materials, the casket or shroud is not placed inside a concrete vault, graves are not maintained but become part of the natural habitat, and there are no headstones but natural rocks or GPS coordinates mark the gravesite.












Make Planning Simple

End-of-Life planning is an important step for everybody, but many find it to be an overwhelming task. Thinking about the end of life can be difficult. Delaying the discussions until a crisis occurs will only magnify an already stressful time.

I offer consultations to make this process as simple and relaxed as possible. During your planning session, you will receive education and support to complete an Advance Directive (if you don't already have one), as well as create a document that will address your healthcare wishes, body disposition choices, dependent care, possessions, digital footprint, and the legacy you'd like to leave...ultimately designing a roadmap for your loved ones to follow when the time comes.

We live in a complicated world and in person meetings aren't always possible. Zoom planning is also available.


Comprehensive EOL Private Session

App. 1 hr 30 min | $200 

In a comfortable setting, discuss and create a document detailing your desires for handling your affairs at the end of life. Includes follow-up session. 


Comprehensive EOL Semi-Private Session

App. 2 hr | $250

In a comfortable setting, discuss and create a document detailing your desires for handling your affairs at the end of life. Two-person session. Includes follow-up session.













Up to 6 people. App. 60-90 Minutes  | $ 300

Drinks, Dessert, Dinner...Whatever You Want

Enjoy an evening with friends and get started on your end-of-life planning journey. You and your companions plan the evening. I'll provide the encouragement and support you need to complete an Advance Directive. Enjoy a lively conversation about death, learn the value of an Advance Directive, understand the different sections of the document and gain the confidence to make decisions that fit you and your individual situation. 






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