FAQ's-Yoni Steam | Moon Phases Of Life
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FAQ's -What is a Yoni Steam?

The practice of Yoni steaming dates back thousands of years  and can be traced to almost every indigenous culture on Earth. From Africa, Malaysia, Korean, Scandinavian to Mayan. (There are actually cave drawings of it!) These cultures used steaming to tend to women in the postpartum and as a gentle method of maintaining female reproductive health. Yoni steaming in this modern world is a powerful pre or post period hygienic and cleansing practice. Yoni steaming is also known as Vaginal steaming, v-steams, chai-yok, bajos, and womb therapy. 


How much?

$350 a month 


What is included?

30 min appointment for set up and instructions


Yoni Cape to hold steam

Herb Steamer

Herbs for steaming, I provide fresh dried herbs from my garden bi-weekly. They can be picked up from my home by appointment or dropped off at your home. 


What Blends are offered?

  • Conceive: Fertility Blend

  • Blood Moon: Cleansing Menstrual Blend

  • Orgasmic: Libido Blend

  • Sleeping Beauty: Restful Sleep Blend

  • Wise Woman: Menopause Blend

  • Restore: Healing and Postnatal Blend


How Often? 

It is recommended to steam each month and varies for yoni health. Lets dive a little bit deeper;

  • Regular cycles- For those who have healthy, pain-free periods, I suggest a seasonal vaginal steam once every three-four months with the changing of the seasons just before menses. The solstices and equinoxes are the perfect time to reconnect with yourself as you leave one season and enter the next.

  • Cramps- The herbal steam soothes and relaxes the pelvic muscles and loosens the endometrial lining. One reason yoni steams are so helpful for women suffering from endometriosis. Women who suffer from pain, bloating, or exhaustion during menstruation can steam once a week a week or two before menstruation to aid shedding of the uterine lining. After, you will likely see a change in the fluid you pass when your period begins. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials. To learn more about how to enjoy your menstrual cycle, We also have an herbal tincture blended especially for cramps.  

  • For fertility: If you are actively trying to conceive, you can yoni steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Yoni steam helps moisten uterine membranes so they are more receptive and may improve the conditions for conception to occur. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges may steam once per week, and twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. Expect to steam for at least three months before seeing results. Do not steam after possible conception or if you think you are pregnant. To support your fertility journey, check out our herbal blend and see if it is right for you.

  • After miscarriage: Experiencing a miscarriage is a big deal, and having a healing experience where you pamper your body and womb is essential to full healing. Creating a yoni steam ceremony is a beautiful way to support your body and emotions. It is best to prepare your yoni steam once your bleeding has stopped. The healing process after a miscarriage is an important and emotionally charged journey. I've written more about the path to recovery in this article.

  • Postpartum: Yoni steams after birth brings nourishing heat, supports the body to release fluids, and aids the womb in shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. Postpartum herbal steams help all the fluids of birth have flowed out of the body. Mayan midwives recommend steams to postpartum mothers within the first nine days after childbirth. A healthy woman with a natural birth would have three steams within the first nine days postpartum. Maya midwives use the number 9 as a spiritual tradition. They usually do three vaginal steams during the first 9 days postpartum to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina.

In my practice, I offered yoni steams for women with caesarian births as well. In these cases, I was personally attending to the mother during the steam. During the first few days, postpartum, the new mother should not attempt to perform the steams by themselves or unattended. 

  • Peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause:  The yoni steam can revitalize vaginal tissue, moisten vaginal dryness, and offer emotional support. For those going through menopause, a yoni steam is recommended a few times a year in the first couple of years of menopause to ensure that the uterine membrane is very clean when it stops menstruating. -Some menopausal women report passing clots and dark, thick blood even a year after menses have ceased. 

  • After Hysterectomy: The heat and warmth is a soothing therapy for scar tissue and can be a fantastic way to connect with your femininity after the surgery.

  • After a sexual trauma, Anytime your body feels violated a yoni steam can be a gentle way to recover. The yoni steam offers you a quiet time to meditate and send love to your body and to feel like you are being taken care of.

  •  After a breakup or separation If you are separated from your sexual partner, and you feel like clearing the old or toxic energy that no longer serves you a yoni steam is a beautiful way to close and cleanse that chapter of your life. It helps clear and opens you for your next chapter.


How do Yoni Steams work?

Yoni steaming is a practice where a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina and up into her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries (womb).  The warm herbal steam directly enters the womb, softens the tissues, relaxes the belly and the pelvic floor, and increases blood and lymph flow. Yoni steams naturally clean, rebalance, and lubricate the vagina by releasing old, built up blood and/or discharge and energy (stagnation) from the uterine lining. The vaginal canal contains an abundant supply of blood vessels and mucus membranes and it is believed that herbal steam can be easily absorbed through the walls of the vagina. Because of this, doctors often prescribe vaginal suppositories to fight infections or balance hormones.  


How is Vaginal Steaming Done?

During your Yoni steam, you are in an enclosed room, completely covered and then wrapped in the traditional way with a sheet or blanket from the neck down. You will sit on one of our custom Yoni steam saunas with a cushion that has an opening for the steam to easily come through. Each sauna and seat is sanitized before and after use. 


What are the physical benefits of Vaginal Steaming?

A consistent Yoni steam practice can lead to an easy and pain-free period, increased fertility, increased vaginal lubrication, and reducing other uterine abnormalities. Yoni steaming is a wellness ritual that allows women to honor, reconnect, and take ownership of their reproductive system in a unique way.  Yoni Steams can be helpful for the following conditions:

  • reduce pain and bloating from menstruation 

  • regulate menstruation cycles

  • reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis 

  • repairs vaginal tears, c-section scars, and episiotomies 

  • reproductive adhesion/scar tissue 

  • treats hemorrhoids 

  • dark purple/brown blood at the onset or end of menses

  • enhance your sex life and boost fertility, especially when applied with maya abdominal massage principles

  • ease menopause symptoms of dryness or pain during intercourse

  • eliminates cramping

  • clears up bacteria or yeast infections

  • draining painful cysts

  • expelling fibroids

  • resolving unexplained infertility

  • postpartum recovery (i.e. getting the body back to pre-pregnancy state, weight loss, lochia elimination, correcting prolapse/hemorrhoids, etc)

  • miscarriage recovery

  • reduces heavy menstruation

  • increases scanty menstruation

  • returns missing periods

  • regularizes long or short cycles to 28-30 days

  • improves vaginal prolapse and tightens canal

  • moisturizes vaginal dryness

  • alleviates painful sex

  • enhances libido

  • resolves PCOS

  • odor elimination

  • general hygiene and well-being


What are the spiritual/energetic benefits of steaming?

In addition to the physical benefits of cleansing and release during the steam, many women may release deeply held feelings or emotions resulting in the start their own healing process from psychological trauma and repressed emotions. Steaming allows women to purify their core and release energy and emotions that no longer serve their womb spaces in a positive way.  It allows women to forgive themselves and others for unpleasant incidents that have occurred over their lifetimes. It allows women to facilitate their own healing process from the inside out. 


When is Yoni Steaming not safe?

  • Pregnancy

  • If you think you are pregnant or actively trying to conceive and during ovulation trying to conceive

  • Menstruating

  • Fresh RED spotting

  • Extremely hot weather

  • Have an active internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation) with a fever

  • Have any open herpes sores or blisters present- Soak infected area AFTER the blisters have burst, until the infected area has healed

  • Burning Itch

  • After Insemination (or IUI/IVF transfer) when Trying to conceive

  • When Prone to Continual Heavy or Spontaneous Bleeding between Periods 

  • Genital piercings must be removed because the heat will cause the piercing to burn you 


What happens if I fill out my intake form and I have a contraindication and can’t steam on the day of my appointment?

If this happens, no worries. We can reschedule your session for a time that you are safe to steam. 


Where is this Yoni Spa Located?

In the comfort of your home or a scheduled private appointment at my home


Steaming and Birth Control

Is it safe for me to steam if I have had a uterine/endometrial ablation?

Endometrial/Uterine Ablation is a procedure where the walls of the uterus are scarred over by being burnt. This is usually done to help women who have intense heavy bleeding on their period. Steaming may cause a reversal of the procedure or intervention so it is always up to the woman whether she decides to steam or not.


Is it safe to steam if I have had tubal cauterization?

This is the burning of the fallopian tubes to stop a follicle from being released from the ovary. Steaming may cause a reversal of the procedure or intervention so it is always up to the woman whether she decides to steam or not.


Is it safe for me to steam if I use Essure birth control?

Essure is a coil insert placed in the fallopian tubes which forms a barrier around it with scar tissue. This then blocks the sperm from getting to the egg. Although there aren't any known cases, it seems that vaginal steaming could potentially dislodge the essure insert or clear out the barrier around the Essure insert. It is always up to the woman whether she decides to steam or not.


Is it safe for me to steam if I have a IUD/Intrauterine Device?

Yes. You will steam for a shorter period of time for your health and safety. 



Yoni Steaming For Girls

Is Yoni Steaming safe for young girls?

Yes. Yoni steaming is safe and helps to normalize the Sacred Ritual while setting girls up for a healthy monthly uterine cleanse right from the start. That way they won't have old residue in their uterus which can cause cramping, clotting and brown blood that most women deal with as though is is normal.


How old do you have to be to steam?

There is no hard and fast age limit for steaming. An assessment would have to be done to ensure safety - steam duration and herb type. I have known of little toddlers who see their mom steaming regularly and want to “be like mom” so they sit on a sauna for a few minutes as more of an experience. Some girls have a difficult time before even having their first period and steaming eases the symptoms and transition into this next phase of life. Their rite of passage into womanhood.


Why would a young girl want or need to steam?

Steaming helps with many issues and you don't have to have your period to start this practice. Young girls benefit from steaming if they have hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, constipation, and cramping - whether they have started their period or not. They could also be experiencing painful symptoms related to the monthly uterine cleanse (period) in which case the steam will bring circulation to the yoni in order to allow the uterus to cleanse properly with less contractions/cramping.


Do these services help to heal trauma for girls?

Yes. In this modern world there is an imbalance in the masculine and feminine energy. We see this in many aspects of life on Earth from how our planet is being depleted, to violence, to the number of girls and women who have been or are sexually abused. (Sexual abuse is the act of forcing undesired sexual behavior from a person.) While we work to bring the balance back to our planet Yoni steaming offers girls and women the opportunity to reconnect the body with the wisdom of subtle plant medicine to release and heal, while clearing the womb and sexual organs.

The simple act of allowing the warmth of herbal steam to relax your yoni is a powerful act of healing. When you set the intention to heal from past sexual trauma, the healing is magnified and you release the old. It helps to create positive, gentle and loving experiences for the yoni and whole energetic space.


Is Amy Certified Trauma Informed?

No, while these sessions can help heal from many types of trauma we recommend you have a support team including professionals like therapists and other holistic providers and not view this as your only healing modality. 


Can I be in the room while my daughter is steaming?

Yes. Of course and you can even steam with her at the same time with a Mommy/Daughter session to connect deeper and make the ritual normal and healing for both of you. 


What type of education do you offer on menstruation during a yoni steam session?

Great question. Amy provides education to each girl and women she works with. It’s very important that we know about our body and especially why we bleed every month. Amy will discuss the importance of a proper uterine cleanse/period and how to keep your whole Yoni healthy. She will also explain how to honor this special time each month and how to care for yourself properly for long term health so you don't have to struggle. To get a more extensive womb cleanse information you can attend a class of have an individual session with a focus on education with the steam. We modify and meet people where they are at so real and lasting change can occur.


Can I bring a friend?

Yes! Bringing a friend to steam with you is totally fine and can actually make the experience even more fun and Sacred. It can be intimidating to try something new but when you bring a best friend it allows the experience to be more relaxing and 


How does Yoni Steaming help a women at every stage of womanhood?

Steaming brings warmth to our body at the root and that heat is so healing for women. It allows us to open up and to release what's no longer serving us. It increases circulation as opposed to cold which constricts and contracts. This moist heat softens the womb along with the tissues in the body. It increases vital blood flow and supports the womb in releasing any stagnant blood or materials that may have built up.


How many times do girls need to steam to benefit?

That depends on what's going on with you and what results you desire. Consistency is key but many women notice results after one steam. Most young girls are seeking help to reduce painful period symptoms, tenderness or heaviness in their uterus and vagina on and before their period. In this case I would have them steam a few days in a row before their period. It's a very gentle and tender way to lead into the period and supports a healthy cycle by adding warmth that increases circulation so the body doesn't have to work as hard and can feel truly calm.


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