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Fertility Doula

One-on-one coaching starts at $400

Package Options Include:

4 week session – $400

8 week session – $700 (save $100)

12 week session – $1,000 (save $200)



A fertility doula is someone who supports people in their journey to become pregnant, regardless of what that journey looks like. Whether going the fertility clinic route, at home monitoring and insemination, or a mixture of the two - a fertility doula provides you with support best suited to your needs and wants. 


 There is more than one way to create a family


Fertility Doula Support: Is it for me?

Fertility doula support is for you if you find yourself in any of the following scenarios:

  • family planning

  • trying to conceive (TTC)

  • face-to-face with fertility complications (i.e. endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, etc.)

  • want to take charge of your fertility, but don’t know where to start

  • looking for a more holistic approach to fertility

  • in need of a sounding board to help sort out your feelings and fertility options 

  • looking for emotional support and encouragement while trying to conceive through IVF or after a loss/miscarriage

  • are overwhelmed with choices and need assistance researching your fertility options


My fertility doula services include the following: 


Unlimited Text or Email 

There are no dumb questions when it comes to knowing your options + when you feel deflated, you need to know you can do this + you don’t have to do it alone!  Answers + reassurance are just a text or email away. 


Plan of Action 

I’ll assist you in identifying + writing out your goals + desired outcomes.  Together, we can create a plan of action toward fulfilling your journey to conception. 















Judgement Free Support 

Your journey is about you. I will give you space to make your own decisions + encourage you every step of the way, in any capacity I can!

Though I am a doula in Woodstock, this is a virtual doula service + you DO NOT have to reside in Woodstock or the surrounding areas to take advantage of it. 


As your fertility doula, how will I assist you?

I will help you navigate through your journey to conception by: 

  • I will perform a fertility assessment. We discuss your goals and explore your current self-care regimen. From this, I will provide you with information to better assist you in making informed decisions regarding your health and fertility to reach your overall goals.

  • We will work together to uncover any mental blocks you may have that may effect fertility journey. I will incite thought-provoking questions that will help you figure out the best solution for you and help you create a self affirming mantra to help you recenter + refocus.

  • We will break down you + your partner’s lifestyle practices. I will support both of you as you implement necessary changes to encourage fertility.

  • Your womb houses so much creative power. We will work together to help you reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom + ability to heal.

  • I will act as your sounding board when you need it most + provide unwavering support through it all, regardless of the outcome.


Fertility Doula Coaching + Support Package

This support package includes:

  • Initial consultation and assessment to better understand your current situation and personal goals (90 mins)

  • Bi-weekly video chats on progress (60 mins)

  • “What’s Next?” session to debrief, review options, and make decisions

  • Unlimited email contact during contracted time



Actively Avoiding Pregnancy?

If you’re searching for a way to take charge of your fertility with a more holistic approach (i.e. ditching hormonal birth control), I will coach you + teach you how to track your cycle using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).


  • Initial consultation and assessment to better understand your current situation and personal goals (90 mins)

  • Bi-weekly video chat(s) on progress (60 mins)

  • Session to debrief, review charts, and answer any questions you may have about FAM

  • Unlimited email contact during contracted time



Additional Support Services

30 + 60 Minute Virtual Consultations


Fertility Options To Discuss and Familiarize With A Fertility Doctor:


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

The fertilization of the egg takes place outside of the body. There are currently two types of IVF, Stimulated Cycle IVF and Natural Cycle IVF. The objective of Stimulated Cycle IVF, is to stimulate the development of more than one ovum using medication to obtain multiple eggs and create  multiple embryos to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Natural Cycle IVF uses no drugs to stimulate the growth of follicles and follows the natural selection of the leading follicle. 


Ovulation Induction (OI)

In the ovulation induction process, medications are given to stimulate the ovaries to make eggs.  Ovulation induction is suitable therapy for multiple types of infertility including: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hypothalamic amenorrhea (prevents ovulation due to abnormal hormonal secretion affecting ovarian function), diminished ovarian reserve, and unexplained infertility.  This type of treatment typically induces ovulation of one or more eggs using either oral medications or injectable medications that are the same hormones the brain produces to cause ovulation (gonadotropins).  Ovulation induction is also used routinely for women who already ovulate as there is benefit using these medications in this group.  Your doctor will advise you if this treatment would be recommended as well as the risks and benefits of ovulation induction.


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

The male partner’s sperm is collected and then injected into the female partner’s uterus at the time of ovulation. An oral medication is often taken on days five to nine, increasing the success rate of this treatment. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is most appropriate for couples with mild male factor, minimal endometriosis, or unexplained infertility.


Therapeutic Donor Insemination (TDI) 

This infertility treatment option involves injecting sperm from an anonymous or a known sperm donor into a woman’s cervix at the time that she is ovulating. The use of frozen semen (from a licensed sperm bank) to prevent sexually transmitted disease is recommended by the Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Disease Control. At sperm banks, donors are tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis, and others. Commercial sperm banks are the source of donor sperm in the majority of cases. The sperm banks provide information about the physical characteristics, medical history, education, and ethnic or racial background of the donors. This treatment is undertaken in couples in whom the male partner has a low sperm count, in women without partners, and in lesbian couples.


Tubal Ligation Reversal (TLR)

Women who have had their “tubes tied” can have the procedure reversed. The tubes are re-anastomosed (untied) through a surgical procedure that is often a minimally invasive, same-day surgery. The likelihood of procedural success will depend upon the woman’s age, type of tubal ligation originally performed and the length of her remaining healthy tubes. We are lucky to have Boston hospitals so close, with some of the leading gynecological surgery teams, assuring you of comprehensive care and the best possible chance for a successful outcome.















Surrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, where a birthing person agrees to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child's parent after birth. 






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